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Relationships VS. Quarantine: Your Guide to Surviving COVID-19


During these uncertain times, we are unable to control the media, we are unable to control the way people are reacting to the crisis and, to a large extent, we are limited on what we can do to stop the spread of this virus (COVID-19).

Instead of focusing on what remains out of our control, why not turn our attention to those things we can proactively do to remain happy and healthy? With so much emphasis on how to keep ourselves physically healthy, the LICDP challenges you to also focus on your emotional health and the strength of your intimate relationships. Here are some tips for maintaining composure throughout this unrest:

Usual routines: Keep them. This includes waking, bedtime, eating, exercising, work, studying, etc. Once you stray from your usual routine too much, this changes the psychology of the brain and can leave you feeling lost.

Keep kids engaged: Keep activities structured and fun. Get outside. Go to the park. Take a walk. There is no reason you should be cooped up in the house. Naturally you will take the necessary precautions regarding sanitation and social distancing standards, but do not allow yourself or your family to become recluses. When the weather does not cooperate, read books, watch documentaries, or do some physical activities. There are so many free online options for families -from dance lessons, to the basics of chess, to learning to speak a second (or third) language.

Stay connected: Isolation can lead to increased fear, anxiety, and depression. With social media and the ability to connect with video conferencing platforms, we are more capable than ever to stay in touch with one another. It is extremely important to maintain our personal connections. Make that call you've been forgetting to make- there is no better time to than now.

Get out: Do not become a prisoner of the computer or of this alternate reality we are facing. Although it is important to stay connected via the available digital platforms, it is equally as important to disconnect for a bit and focus on what is real. Continuously watching the 24-hours feeds or reading everything posted on social media can be truly overwhelming.

Make time for yourself: Just as we cannot help someone on a plane with their oxygen mask until ours is securely in place, so it is the case with our emotional health. When we neglect ourselves, we cannot be there for those we love and care for. Do not feel guilty if you need to take a walk on your own, take a long bath, sit in another room (or your car) and read a book.

Communication: Keep the lines of communication open between yourself and your spouse or partner. With so many people furloughed or working from home, many of us will be living together, in tight quarters, for extended periods of time. This will pose a challenge for even the best relationships.

See the light: This is a very real, yet temporary, setback for us as a society. Be kind to each other and think of the love we share. Remember, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Reach for it. We will get there together.

We are here for you through this. We understand just how complex relationships are. We are ready to help you through conflict that you are more likely to experience now than ever before. Give us a call at 1-844-542-3700 for a free consultation to find out how we can assist you and your family. Remember, your family deserves the best. Your family deserves Collaborative.

If you or anyone you know is not feeling safe in your home, contact Long Island Against Domestic Violence for assistance. Call the 24-hour hotline: 631-666-8833 -or visit online-

For more ways to stay healthy, visit the CDC's website at:



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